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Horse Roundup Video Goes Viral

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Wild horses walking in forest

Round Up the Herd

Each afternoon when the stables close for the evening, our herd of over 70 horses is rounded up from the Blue Bell Stables and led over to their evening pasture across the road. Here, they can roam, play and enjoy their favorite part of the day until the following morning, when they all get rounded up again to come back in to the stables.

This year, we captured it on video, and fans took notice. Delighted by the diversity, curiosity and health of the herd, horse- and CSP-lovers alike escalated the video to over 1 million views; 59,000 likes and loves; and 2,100 comments at the time of this article.

Check out the video here.

Woman petting a brown horse at equestrian ranch

See It for Yourself

Stop by Blue Bell Lodge Stables every morning at 7:00am along the stables fence to enjoy the herd's morning roundup. By about 6:45am each day, you will find the wranglers there with cones and rope to stop traffic across Hwy 87. (May through September).

Learn more about Blue Bell Lodge's Trail Rides and our happy herd.

Row of horse riders round up horses
Horses leaning in