Summer Blast is back for 2025 at the State Game Lodge. Stay after July 27, 2025 and save up to 20%.

Spring Stay More, Save More

May stays offer great reasons to get outside while saving 15% on 2-night stays or more.

Call 888-875-0001

Cabins & Lodge Rooms

A local's favorite time to explore, May stays at Legion Lake Lodge or Sylvan Lake Lodge offer 15% off for (2) two or more consecutive nights stayed, with fantastic water access. Stay three (3) or more nights and save 20%. Use promo code STAY2 or STAY3 when making your reservation online.

And for 2025, the Stay More, Save More special also applies to most lodge rooms and cabins at all four resorts in the Park. Let us help you make your reservation and find the best time to save today.

Call 888-875-0001
Valid for stays April 26 - May 22, 2025 for stays booked in the same applicable room type, for consecutive nights at participating lodges. Limited cabin exclusions apply. For call-in reservations: promotion must be mentioned at the time of booking. For online reservations: Promo code STAY2 or STAY3 must be applied at the time of booking for discount to be valid. For help securing a discounted rate before making your reservation, please contact our local reservations office at 888-875-0001.

Custer Travel Tips

State Game Lodge Hotel Rooms Renovated

The resort-wide beautification projects continue for 2024 with full interior renovations at the State Game Lodge Hotel Rooms.

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Sylvan Lake Lodge Featured in National Geographic Travel

The article from National Geographic Travel features 10 historic hotels with amazing Fall views.

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Choosing Your Cabin

We have implemented a few updates to help you find the right cabin or lodge room for your stay.

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Herd of buffalo in the grasslands walking

We Can Never Have Enough of Nature

Henry David Thoreau's words ring true during any season, but we tend to appreciate them a bit more in the spring. Catch a bison being born or a doe nursing its fawn during your trip around the Wildlife Loop. Keep your eyes peeled for young bighorn sheep lambs clinging to the hillsides and crossing the roads along with mom & friends.

Explore Wildlife Experiences
Buffalo in the grasslands eating

Self-Motivate with a Trail Challenge

Custer State Park's Summer Trail Challenge starts May 1 each year, and what better way to harness self-motivation. To complete the challenge & earn your pin, participants must hike all listed trails and take a selfie at each official sign. Bonus points for fun photos! Designated trails change each season for the challenge, so be sure to stop at any Custer State Park Visitor Center for the updated Trail Challenge flyer.

A Mecca of Spring Habitats

Custer State Park offers some of the most diverse bird habitat types including grassland, riparian habitat, Ponderosa pine and spruce forests with aspen and deciduous groves. Additionally, the many interior roads and trails make the area incredibly suitable for birding.

More than 350 species of birds, including nearly 200 breeding species, can be found among the 38 sites comprising the Black Hills, Badlands and Lakes Birding Trail, which encompasses essentially the western third of South Dakota. Explore more birding opportunities during your stay in the Park.

Book your spring stay today in search of nearly 20 rare species.

Explore Accommodations
A bluebird in a pine tree at custer state park

Birding at Sylvan Lake

The best birding months at Sylvan Lake are April - September, where you can find Ruffed Grouse drumming in April-May around Harney Peak. Also watch for: Clark’s Nutcracker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Black-backed Woodpecker, Red-naped Sapsucker, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglets, Gray Jay, Western Wood-Pewee, Osprey, Hairy Woodpecker, Pine Siskin, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Golden Eagle. Rarities: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, White-winged Crossbill.

Birding on the Wildlife Loop

Birds to look for along the Wildlife Loop and over at French Creek Nature Area include: Canyon Wren, Northern Goshawk, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Dusky Flycatcher, Cordilleran Flycatcher, riparian species, White-throated Swift , Mountain Bluebird, Balti more Oriole, Spott ed Towhee, warblers in migrati on. Sharp-tailed Grouse, Upland Sandpiper, sparrows, hawks along Wildlife Loop. Rarity: Pinyon Jay.

May Events in the Park

Mother's Day Brunch

Celebrate with Mom by taking her to Brunch with all of the baby animals.

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Open House & Free Fishing Weekend

Come celebrate with us as we kick off each season with stay specials, free fishing & more.

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Wide shot of a mountain at Custer