Summer Blast is back for 2025 at the State Game Lodge. Stay after July 27, 2025 and save up to 20%.

Close-up of rocks inside of Jewel Cave

Jewel Cave National Monument

Beneath the Black Hills of South Dakota is the intriguing underground world of Jewel Cave. With over 202 miles of explored passageways, Jewel Cave ranks as one of the longest caves in the world. The cave was discovered at the turn of the century by brothers passing through Hell Canyon.

This underground environment can satiate even the most curious of humans. Brilliant color and fragile rocks reveal an amazing ecosystem not visible anywhere else. The third longest cave in the world has much to offer to a wide range of those interested in its natural glory. The monument is also home to a variety of plants and animals and has a fascinating wildfire history. This resource is truly a jewel in the National Park Service.

Go Underground

Guided cave tours provide opportunities for viewing this pristine cave system. Jewel Cave is a unique world of sparkling calcite crystals, delicate strands of gypsum, and other spectacular cave formations. It contains large rooms strewn with boulders, tight crawlways, and dark fissures leading into the unknown.

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